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Relógio astronómico

Once, a person told us that everything in life has a limit, and made us reflect on it, precisely those of us who have always been used to going beyond the limits that life has often placed on us, and still puts, in our way, to understand that it is a form of personal improvement and growth, of self-improvement, of character strengthening and discovery of intellectual potentials, discovered or undiscovered.


I was right. There is a tolerance limit that one hour we have to activate.

Especially if, in some concrete way, your survival and sustainability are seriously compromised by visible external factors and actions of third parties that make you vulnerable by impotence in the face of certain created situations, factors outside and opposite to your will, and that overlap the natural struggle for overcoming obstacles and challenges, going beyond acceptable and tolerable limits.

We often put off some important and difficult decisions, not for lack of attitude, but because we want to try all the cordial possibilities beforehand, before moving on to something more radical and definitive, even without representing a confrontation. Just as a self-defense mechanism.

In this way, we avoid precipitations or possible regrets in the face of wrong attitudes or wrong conclusions.

We base our resolutions on very well thought-out acts, evaluated from all possible perspectives, foreseeing developments and consequences, whether through action or omission.

Analyzing the facts in parallel with great depth and responsibility, to have the clarity of the purest truth, without misrepresentation.  

That's how we are by nature and in essence.

Despite the external factors that were affecting us, we chose to continue living and believing that the natural solution would come with time, leaving a trail of concrete demonstrations that registered our way of thinking and being through our actions, believing to be well interpreted, by the example, in our sublime intention of wanting to achieve the realization of idealized dreams and collective social benefit, aware that time is inherent to its feasibility, not knowing the length of its path or the challenges to face and overcome, but convinced that only by perseverance we can reach the magical moment of realization.

This enthusiasm permanently guides us, elevates the spirit and strengthens the will to go forward, because it represents the happiness and fulfillment of the Self.

At the same time we have to deal with memories of the past, fruits of our life history that made us get here... the present.

Selective memory leads us to rescue the remembrance of happy moments and forgetting everything that caused us suffering, while taking advantage of the learning that had been provided to us in our favor.


As we always say, life teaches those who want to learn.


Mainly because the pain marks the soul and leaves wounds that take time in their healing process, varying from person to person. Reliving the suffering is poking at the healed wound and feeling the pain again in the heart.


But forgetting is not always a one-sided option; sometimes there is someone on the other side who is responsible for keeping present and alive what we want to leave in the past, and this requires from us a firm attitude to stop the painful and sometimes traumatic memories. It is practically impossible to forget when they remind you every day, for months and years, of what you do not want to remember and you will strive to overcome it, at the cost of a lot of effort and resistance.


What to do about it then?


You have to take action.

Moving forward requires an attitude of renewal of life. Personal growth requires evolution, like an ever-advancing spiral. The learning acquired in life's journey provides the necessary subsidies for intellectual and personal growth. And the past must be used in this sense, with a spirit of resilience and renewal so that it will lead you, in the construction of a prosperous and happy future, along a path of resilience and wisdom.   

Time becomes an ally in your favor if you know how to take advantage of what is positive.

Because in time, the lived history and small other stories that connect you to people are recorded, which become part of your life, of your history, and vice versa.

So: is forgetting the best option?

What should really be forgotten? The traumatic indeed.  


We remember the good times with our eyes shining, our heart pounding with emotion and longing, wanting to go back in time to have the chance to relive that which warmed our spirit and that somehow is far away... it was in the past.

Traumas, on the other hand, transform us profoundly. Some people will get better, they will use the experience to their advantage, others will not, they will become so bitter that they may be stricken with deep depression. We are part of the first group.

It is inherent to all of us Human Beings the connection with other people that we will meet daily on the daily journey of life.

How we relate will determine the course of relationships, whether they will be harmonious or conflicting.  

In case there is an existing conflict between two parties involved, how to resolve it if one of them cannot forget, while you want the other party to forget despite the latter having already done everything to forget? It sounds confusing, but it isn't.

Let's explain.

As explained at the beginning, this report aims to tell a part of the story of our lives, based on facts.  

It's time for the truth to come out.  

This is not an autobiography, in fact it is a radical measure that we are being forced to take, much against our will, but in defense of our right to have a stable and promising future... a dignified life, a right that has been- usurped us, silently and consecutively.

But before going into the details, we ask readers to be impartial, understanding and open-minded to understand with neutrality and humanism what they will know next, told in a clear, objective and very careful way to avoid distortions or unfair judgments.  

No more abstractions, let's...  


This story encompasses a long period, specifically from 1996 to the present, about 24 and a half years only...

The Family in question and which is intrinsically linked to us in this situation is the Marine Family, in the figure of the 3 brothers: Roberto Irineu, João Roberto and José Roberto. In the beginning of everything, Dr. Roberto Marinho was alive and had his active participation, along with his 3 children, until his death in 2003, a wake in which we participated in person on the 7th of August of that year.

The details of how it all happened are described in the parts following this prologue. Therefore, at this point we will only address the behavioral context.

For our part, we always seek a pleasant social relationship with the Marine Family. And for a moment we did.

Some people may disagree with us, others may identify with us, but we always admire Dr. Roberto's work and figure.  

But, from the moment that my Father, the Painter Pedrini, who is actively part of this report, exquisitely painted the “PORTRAIT OF THE ACADEMIC ROBERTO MARINHO” for 3 years (1993-1996), he saw his intention to grace him by going by water below, with harmful consequences that befell our Family and that persist to this day.

And that is exactly the reason that drives us to make this story public knowledge, and that certainly the 3 Marinho Brothers must have done everything to cover it up, distorting the facts in front of the Society to try to evade responsibility and denigrate ours. image, probably telling another convenient story for them, possibly victimizing themselves to find justifications before the public to support them in their actions, when in fact they are protagonists of cowardly and inhumane acts, totally unequal, practiced to our detriment, without pity or pity.

Do you know why?  


Further on, within the historical context, they will be able to understand what they do not want to be discovered and which compromises them greatly, and which justifies our initiative to reveal what happened, as an extreme measure of self-defence, and their behavior.

Can anyone deny the great power of influence they exert over the Society?

Who will be able to deny that they are capable of interceding with Entrepreneurs, Rulers, Personalities, or even common people, in order to be able to fulfill "their wills", when offering some exchange of favors, or monetary rewards, prestige, or fear ?  

A few years ago, we came to the conclusion that there could be 3 types of people who would surrender to your pressures of influence:

- Those bought for money
- Those dazzled by prestige
- Those extorted by fear

It seems a little strong to catalog people. But actually we only identify real situations.  

There are people who “sell themselves”, “that has a price”, and will do anything for this type of reward. They just think about themselves, about satisfying their needs.  

On the other hand, vanity often blinds people and makes them “fall into temptation” when they are offered what they so much desire. Prestige is a powerful weapon to seduce people. And sometimes they're just part of the same social circle, which makes support easier.

On the other hand, those extorted by fear are those who cannot have revealed things that concern their private lives, and are forced to give in so as not to see themselves exposed in the means of communication available to the Marinho. Or they are people who have “weaknesses” that they coldly take advantage of.

We didn't create these prototypes. They just exist. And it's these people they need.
Understand... we are not judging anyone. That is not our intention.  

What we can say is that it is part of Humanity's history the presence of the “powerful” practicing, for their own benefit, domination over the “weakest”, regardless of the consequences that will fall on those who act.  

On the other side of the coin...

There are, luckily, people of character who do not surrender to these pressures and immoral acts.  

And in a way, it was thanks to some of them and our perseverance and resilience that we got this far.
We never surrender. We never accept defeat, because we are warriors and we fight for our dreams with a lot of determination, courage, conviction and unconditional perseverance.  

We reinvented and readjusted ourselves several times to move forward.  

We had very discouraging moments, we took enormous risks, we went through extreme situations that demanded a lot, a lot of inner strength. We've supported an immeasurable load for over 24 years that they didn't believe we would handle. And here we are, steady and strong!

Belief in ourselves has sometimes been shaken, true. But at those times we remembered everything we had already gone through and overcome, proving to ourselves that we would be able to get out of yet another “ordeal” (we considered that to hold the bar).

Also because we have as a basic principle not to give up what we dedicate time to, not even one day, let alone years. I am referring to Authorial Projects to which we dedicate ourselves to the fullest, investing time and money for the sake of the ideal, for believing in the results we could achieve, for the collective good that we would do through them, always with joy and determination. We don't think about ourselves, we think about the Creations and how to make them viable and achievable.  


We learn from lived experiences, and as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So, we came out stronger!  

But what somehow strengthened us even more was not wanting to give Marinho that taste. They don't deserve us to fail. Our lives don't belong to them. It does not have the right to determine what we can or cannot do, and even so it has managed to impede our main and most relevant initiatives, the most profitable and of the highest benefit to the Society, which directly caused us numerous problems.

We transform fear into strength.  

Yes! It was really refreshing when we discovered this formula!  

It is natural to feel fear when you perceive the direct action on your life, being pressed on your weak points.  

Where else they always attacked us was in the financial realm. Leaving us penniless is his favorite dish.  

Obviously, the resulting problems affected important areas of our lives, such as housing, the higher cost of living which, at times, surpassed our ability to assume this obligation in its entirety. We went through a lot of hardships! You have no idea!  

We had more than one opportunity to buy a property as a result of our work. But they robbed us of those chances too, because the main element of pressure on us would end. In the end, nobody wants to be evicted and run the risk of being left on the street... right?  

Well, we found ourselves in this situation many times, without need. We had to find the solution with a cool head, and often within a short period of time. We exercise the mind and learn not to despair. And the solution always appeared! But at the expense of a lot of tension and extreme stress.  

You might wonder why the Marinhos don't want us to get rich. It's because you're afraid, afraid that the truth that compromises you will be revealed. With financial conditions, we could investigate what happened and arrive at the truth, which would give us subsidies to demand a historic and millionaire reparation based on full rights!

That's why they use their power of influence to create networks of spy informers, because the information (which is their specialty) is valuable to know what we do and how we think in real time, and thus be able to anticipate and cancel out possible chances for us of lawful enrichment obtained with dignity through our work, which would result in financial stability for us, but for them would represent an imminent risk. That's how they've been acting.

Do you believe it comes to us as a threat? We are not inventing anything, important people in the Society have told us this, including their Secretariats, which we have been in contact with for years to reach them. That's when they don't send for the lawyer. Looks like they really need legal protection.

Apparently what they are desperately trying to hide is very serious. Otherwise, why would they care so much for us, trying to demonstrate an indifference that doesn't exist? They follow us very closely, we can see.  

It's like they say, the stalker goes where the stalked is. That's why we are already waiting for the intervention. They never take us by surprise. We anticipate time. And in this way we disarm your vile little game many times and get some valuable achievements, not all. Because people, no matter how "tempted and/or forced to give in", have a moral limit, and obviously hide the service they are providing, and as the responsibility usually falls on them, it is from them that we charge the loss or damage that cause us. Sometimes, when they realize that we are suspicious, they withdraw before being caught, which confirms our almost certain suspicion.  

After more than 24 years of being victims of the same pattern, it's not that hard to find out when they're behind someone.  This does violence not only to us but to people who are induced to enter this sordid little game as accomplices, where the harmful consequences befall us.

They promote an unfair inversion of values with their lies, wanting to appear to be the good guys when they are the villains of the story.  

We know your tactics well. They are cold, egocentric and very cowardly manipulators, incapable of welcoming our endless attempts at cordial dialogue to close this issue harmoniously and in secrecy. We only demand from them a public proof to naturally cease this interference with us, as a subtle warning so that the Society knows that the relationship between them and us would be cordial, which would imply a cessation of the vicious behavior practiced against us for so many years. We would save them from having to explain themselves in front of all those they enticed.

The difference between them and us is astronomical when we compare economic and social power. That is why this relentless pursuit is uneven and cowardly.

They forced us to put up with more than some people could.

We resist steadfastly, with supernatural patience and an exceptional capacity for adaptation.

Not to mention the irreparable loss of loved lives in our Family, unfulfilled dreams and opportunities that never make it.

The time that has gone does not come back, the years that have passed do not come back.

The pains we feel have turned into scars in the soul and heart. Overcome but not forgotten.  

And so we've come this far, wanting to put a definitive end to these vicious cycles that have been repeated for over 24 years against our will and at the expense of our suffering and sacrifices.  

We want to free ourselves from the Marine Family. But they don't let go of us.  

We wanted them as partners. They put themselves in the place of enemies, despite having so many stories that connect us personally! There were mild moments when we related peacefully and mutually, and we clung to them as a symbol of hope to reconcile common interests. We wanted to trade, or even nothing in return. We've tried everything! And even so, they don't deign to show up to talk, to dialogue!  

They are very rich economically and so poor in courage.  


We have more courage than all of them put together!

Fear paralyzes you, immobilizes you in the right direction, leads you down the wrong path.  

They insist on ignoring our real identity as good people that we've forgiven them countless times, even though they don't deserve so much damage they caused us and still do. We are not like them. Our moral values differ greatly. Maybe that's where the problem and the lack of understanding lie.  

They are so, so afraid of us that they can't believe we've forgiven them, despite everything. They prefer to punish us with reprisals for defending ourselves.  

Because we don't like going back to the past. We look forward to everything we still want to achieve and achieve. They may have caused us delays, but never our giving up!  

Our dreams are our greatest stimulus in life, linked to our self-love and human dignity!
Our goal is not money but our Freedom!  

It's a matter of law!

We want to live, not survive anymore.

And being able to relate to people in a light and natural way, without the obvious coercion and interference on them. We are not naive. We sharpen our intelligence and perception over time.

His intentions to neutralize us are made explicit in his desperation when we are close to achieving our financial independence. People send signals for us to notice what often catches our eye and what we expected.

A sign that they no longer want to participate in this network they formed around us, or they don't believe what they say, because it doesn't match what they observe in our behavior. It's very unfair!

We know that a lot of people want to know the truth. And that many people will identify themselves because they were and still are part of the Marinho network, which exempts us from having to prove it to avoid denouncing them, which is not our nature. Each one will have to deal with their conscience, and who knows, perhaps regret having been accomplices in a cruel and unfair intervention linked to a rigid economic blockade on our Family for so long.

And that's why we took the courage to reveal what actually happened.

Enough! We will no longer tolerate these abuses!

We hope that from now on, when they learn the true story, no one will serve the Marine Family against us, a Father and a Daughter who love each other too much and protect each other, Artists and Creators who have identified deeply and formed a Life Duo , either on a personal or professional level. We have many talents and projects to carry out. I know that we are living in difficult times in this Pandemic that has afflicted the entire world for over 1 year and a half. But let's resist, fight and continue dreaming of one day seeing them fulfilled.

So, so that you can understand the facts, read the story below. They will conclude positively as to the culpability of the Marinho and the magnitude of the injustice practiced by them against us, with the help of others, without whom they would not have been able to.


By: Rosângela Jassé Silva Pedrini


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